
Testo Smart Probes

Testo 115i Clamp Thermometer Operated via Smartphone | Testo by Muser

Testo 915i Thermometer with Surface Probe & Smartphone Operation

Testo 915i Temperature Kit with Smartphone Operation

testo 915i Thermometer with Flexible Probe and Smartphone Operation

RM 475.00Add to CartRM 676.00Add to CartRM 1,091.00Add to CartRM 572.00Add to Cart

testo 915i Thermometer with Immersion/Penetration Probe and Smartphone Operation

Testo 605i Gen 2 Thermohygrometer Operated via Smartphone

Testo 915i Thermometer with Air Probe & Smartphone Operation

Testo 905 i - Thermometer with Smartphone Operation [Delivery: 3-5 days subject to availability]

RM 646.00Add to CartRM 670.00Add to CartRM 615.00Add to CartRM 390.00Add to Cart

Testo 805 i - Infrared Thermometer with Smartphone Operation [Delivery: 3-5 days]

Testo 410 i - Vane Anemometer with Smartphone Operation [Delivery: 3-5 days subject to availability]

Testo 405 i - Thermal Anemometer with Smartphone Operation [Delivery: 3-5 days subject to availability]

Testo 510 i - Differential Pressure Measuring Instrument with Smartphone Operation [Delivery: 3-5 days]

RM 621.00Add to CartRM 664.00Add to CartRM 786.00Add to CartRM 792.00Add to Cart

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